Luxurious Living and Sustainability in Buildings goes hand-in-hand

Luxurious Living and Sustainability in Buildings goes hand-in-hand


Dynasty Residence, situated in Kandy has achieved LEED Gold Certification under LEED 2009 Core and Shell rating system. This iconic project marks the first Multi-Family Residential Building in Sri Lanka to be LEED certified, and achieves a major milestone that leads the way towards a sustainable built environment in Kandy through this revolutionary concept.

Dynasty is an exclusive luxury residential apartment complex developed by GVR Lanka Pvt Ltd. comprising of 15-story, exclusive luxury residential apartment tower including 93 apartment units, 4 penthouses with their very own private gardens opened to the sky replete with panoramic mountain & views of the Mahaweli river.

How does this high-performance Residential Development compare with a conventional building?

  • 24% Energy Savings
  • 52% Water Savings
  • Sustainable Site Development
  • Use of environmentally friendly materials for Construction
  • Improved Indoor Environmental Quality

The Dynasty Residence, Kandy is exemplary of how luxurious living can be integrated with sustainable, healthy and high performance Residential Building Design and Construction to deliver Operational Cost Savings. Green Technologies as the LEED and Sustainability Consultants on the Project is proud to be associated with another flagship project in Asia. For more information, click here for the Project Factsheet